Ex Situ, In Situ Conservation and Zoos

1   Consider...

  • Role in linking in situ and ex situ conservation.
  • Challenge posed by expanding human and declining wildlife population and eco systems.
  • Conservation of wildlife requires mutually reinforcing links between in situ and ex situ conservation recognised by the convention on biological diversity e.g. for critically small population fragments.
  • Insufficient knowledge for many species to determine the extent of extinction risk, or informed management decisions.
  • Research is integral to development of recovery plans and management of sustainable populations.
  • Zoos as High technology germ plasm banks:
    • gene banks including semen, ova, fertilised embryos, somatic cells and DNA collections
    • increases options for future conservation action (Ryder &Feistner 1995)
  • Public expectations of seeing charismatic animals.
  • Limitations of space
  • Financial resources.
  • Only a small proportion of vertebrate taxa will be included in zoos (Soule et al., 1986)
  • What is a good zoo?

2   Messages from Zoos

  • Zoo professionals regard themselves as stewards rather than masters of nature.
  • But a distance exists between zoo animals and visitors.
  • The message zoos wish to convey should be clear* e.g. global or local; relevant to local zoo visitors.
  • Messages as issues, problems or neutral subjects. What is the zoo trying to achieve.
  • Message effective when considering cultural norms of the audience.
  • Transmission of messages: variety of methods; species choice for exhibition, exhibit design as eco-system, brochures, scientific reports, graphics, audio-visual interactive, signs, labels, talks etc.
  • total ambience of a conservation concious organisation: contradictory messages - look in the cafes at the packaging. Practise what you preach.
  • Crucial to know whether the messages are received
  • Most people still visit zoos for recreation. Is this compatible?

3   Research in zoos

  • Identification of species or sub-species for conservation management (Ryder, 1986) benefits from genetic techniques e.g. Orang-u-tang (Jancie Wiczi et al., 1990)
  • Early taxonomic and anatomical research carried out in zoos.
  • Comparative studies of behaviour, reproductive physiology and evolutionary genetics.
  • e.g. Sex determination in many reptiles is influenced by egg-incubation temperature.
  • Are the Wild Asses of Mongolia different from those of Tibet?
  • Zoos have been criticised, they are willing, but what is their effective role?
  • Geneticists emphasise research; but PVA's uncertainty point to need for habitat management
  • The idea that technology will conserve but not ecosystem maybe deviates from urgency required in protecting landscapes now
  • Research is feasible in a wild setting. Monitoring reintroductions is at least as informative, and offers captives for tissue samples.
  • Determination of gestation length requires knowledge of timing. But oestrous cycles etc. are interrupted in captivity.
  • Ability to establish the composition of groups: social behaviour affected by captivity (density dependent).
  • New technologies should compliment direct observation of animal behaviour
  • Behavioural research limited in zoos
  • When is a zoo not a zoo? Is a reserve a zoo? Let's say no it isn't Reason language
  • Reproductive events increasingly monitored non-invasively - understanding the sociobiology (Klieman, 1980)
  • Contributes to greater breeding success ex situ e.g. Cheetah, density and smell. Scent marks and spatial distribution.
  • Non-invasive genetic sampling of wild populations uses the polymerase chain reaction: (slime, hair, epithelium in faeces; Woodruff 1989).

4   Species in Zoos

  • Current priorities stress the importance of large vertebrates,
    • they are less likely to breed well than smaller organisms, more costly to maintain in long term breeding programmes.
  • Zoos aren't targeting species for which habitat availability makes reintroduction a realistic prospect
  • Imaginative exhibits of smaller animals can increase zoo attendance (Yajima 1991)
  • Should target species threatened by factors other than irreversible habitat loss.
  • No evidence that existing programmes focus on taxa that face threats other than irreversible habitat loss (Balmford et al., 1995).
  • Potentially rewarding but neglected groups are invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles.
  • Among mammals, fast breeding social species such as bats.
  • Displaying a more representative sample of fauna diversity will provide zoos with a more balanced framework for biodiversity education, and improve the welfare of animals in captivity.
  • If biological requirements cannot be met in captivity, ex situ breeding is ethically unacceptable.
  • Rhinos are given high priority for ex situ conservation (Foose, 1993), yet they are notoriously poor breeders in zoos.
  • The Black-Footed Ferret breeding programme (Mustela nigripes) has been remarkably successful in biological terms, a good basis for reintroduction, all within the local area (Miller et al., 1994)
  • Field Crickets in the London Zoo (Gryllus campestris), which has significantly contributed to their recovery programme.

5   Education and Zoos

  • Importance of conservation and biodiversity in education (Whitehead et al 1995).
    • Outlined in Agenda 21 and the global biodiversity strategy, at the 1992 UNCED in Rio de Janero.
    • Depends on answering certain criticisms: behavioural distortion, ecological context and people/animal relationships.
  • Zoos are the only institutions to keep living wild animals from all over the world.
  • Since policy makers activists cannot reduce biodiversity loss without wider public support, a multi-faceted effort is required to expand public awareness
  • estimated 600 million, 10% of global human population, visit the worlds 1000 plus federated zoos each year (WZCS).
  • Film makers use zoos for close ups
  • Various target audiences
  • Contributions to formal school education from art through to zoology
  • tertiary education: training programmes.
  • Outcomes should be memorable compared to classrooms
  • Zoos reflect the power of people over other sentient beings
  • Distortions of behaviour: some species more than others
  • Natural behaviour patterns: facilitated by good practise in husbandry, welfare and enclosure design
  • Enclosures that reflect the faunal and floral bio diversity of eco systems, holistic displays, is a trend.
  • e.g. Coimbatore Zoological Park offers visitors a chance to take a potted walk through the Nilgiri Hills. Also takes in culture of local people working in traditional crafts (Rangaswami & Walker, 1992).
  • In a sense zoos are becoming bigger as the wild shrinks. Actually this is a zoo and a reserve joined together, reflecting local conservation aims.

6   Captive-breeding

  • A vital role for in-situ conservation (Alney et al.,1994):
  • exhibition of flagship species, public education, training
  • fundraising events
  • internationally coordinated Captive breeding programmes.
  • Many are evolving into conservation centres (Rabb, 1994).
  • Zoos can help conserve only a small minority of the species threatened with extinction (Balmford et al., 1995)
  • Clear criteria are needed to identify which taxa zoos should focus on.
  • Criteria should reflect the economic and biological realities of captive breeding and reintroduction
    • Preferences of zoo visitors indicate they need not adversely affect zoo attendance
  • Advantages associated with small size could be compromised because their shorter generations would lose genetic variability more quickly.
  • Small species must be maintained in larger captive populations than bigger taxa (Soule et al., 1986)
  • The notion of zoos as arks has been amended
    • Long term captives are unlikely ever to be returned to the wild.
  • Captive breeding aimed at reintroduction has a greater impact because it helps to restore eco systems, and frees resources for more efforts.

7   Questions

    1. Can In situ management of populations shed light on management of habitats and natural ecosystems?
    1. Do zoos help progress in conservation science in the field? Many genetic samples and studies taken from zoos.

8   Conclusion

  • Optimise resource use
  • minimise duration of each programme
  • address the needs of more species
  • conserve maximum biodiversity through conservation of landscapes
  • we will save what we value.
  • Genetic fine tuning should follow habitat availability.
  • Genetic factors do not figure amongst the causes of extinction.

9   References

RYDER O.A., FEISTNER A.T.C. Research in Zoos: a growth area in conservation, Biodiversity and Conservation 4, 671-677 (1995).

WHITEHEAD M., Saying it with genes, species and habitats: biodiversity education and the role of zoos Biodiversity and Conservation 4, 664-670 (1995).

BALMFORD A., MACE G.M., LEADER-WILLIAMS N. Designing the Ark: Setting Priorities for Captive Breeding Conservation Biology, Pages 719-727 Volume 10, No.3, June 1996.

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