Orme Fen Meadow

1   Designation

Grade I SSSI, Candidate SAC, UK BAP Key Habitat status (1995).


  • 0.4 ha.

2   Description

The Calcicolous Molinia pasture-Cirsium dissectum (M24) community is found in warm conditions on moderately mesotrophic, dry, peaty soils associated with mires.

A considerable number of flowering herbs and sedges are able to maintain themselves under a frequent grazing regime, with some patched structural diversity. Sub-shrubs, Erica tetralix, Calluna vulgaris, and Ulex gallii make a slight appearance. The bryophyte cover is generally low and shade-tolerant, with inhibited development.

3   Current condition and status

Fen Meadow:

  • Total Area: 0.4 ha.
  • Frequency of constant and frequent species: within LACs.
  • Species indicative of change: within LAC
  • A set of sub-shrubs indicative of grazing activity.

Current Status:

Favourable Maintained, as of December 2001. This assertion is based upon the 2000/2001 survey.

4   Attributes selected as performance indicators

The Fen Meadow will be considered to be in favourable condition provided the following attributes are within LACs:

4.1   Extent

All Fen Meadow Calcicolous Molinia - dissectum (M24 b/c)

  • Component plant communities are influenced by climate and soil conditions, but this is essentially a secondary vegetation type, derived from a variety of precursors and maintained by grazing. These are not static factors and area limits are thus set.

4.2   Quality/condition

  • M24b Calcicolous Molinia pasture-Cirsium dissectum sub-community
  • M24c Juncus acutiflorus-Erica Tetralix sub-community
  • Grass sward height
  • A set of sub-shrubs indicative of grazing activity
  • A set of associated plants as indicators of change.

5   Attributes and Operational Limits

5.1   Objective statement

To maintain the Fen Meadow with its usual plants in favourable condition, WHERE:

5.2   Extent

All Fen Meadow

  • Total area remains at the target level.
  • Target level: 0.4 ha. of 323 ha
  • Upper limit: None set
  • Lower limit: target level.
  • Monitor/surveillance:
    • Extent of Fen Meadow

5.3   Condition

All existing NVC plant communities:

  • Target: The following conditions are met in 95% by extent
  • Lower limit: 70%
  • Upper limit: none set.

5.4   M24b Calcicolous Molinia pasture-Cirsium dissectum sub-community

  • Monitor: frequency of Calcicolous Molinia and Cirsium dissectum
  • Upper and lower limits: As stated in NVC floristic tables

5.5   M24c Juncus acutiflorus-Erica Tetralix sub-community

  • Monitor frequency of Juncus acutiflorus-Erica Tetralix
  • Upper and lower limits: As stated in NVC floristic tables

Grass sward height: is maintained between limits

  • Target: Maintain limits to grass height
  • Upper limit: 60 cm.
  • Lower limit: 20 cm
  • Monitor: Sward height

A set of sub-shrubs indicative of grazing activity

  • These sub-shrubs are kept in check by adequate grazing regime.
  • Monitor:
    • Erica tetralix, Calluna vulgaris, and Ulex gallii
  • Upper limit: cover = 10%

A set of associated plants as indicators of change:

  • Monitor: frequency of:
    • Angelica sylvestris, Cirsium palustre, Schoenus nigricans, Hypericum undulatum, viola dioica, Deschampsia cespitosa, Festuca rubra,Carex panicea

6   Management Rationale and Projects

6.1   All factors, grazing and threats 1 to 9, Calcicolous Grassland

Those found the Management Rationale and Projects in the feature, Calcicolous Grassland, are relevant, and refer equally to Fen Meadow, with the following exceptions:

Grazing intensity

  • Typical sward height tends to be taller in Fen meadow than in calcicolous grassland. The grazing regime here needs to be specifically monitored for effects upon sward height. Associated sub-shrubs Erica tetralix, Calluna vulgaris, and Ulex gallii are kept in check by an adequate grazing regime.

Operational limits: (refer to Quality indicators)


  • Target grazing as necessary to maintain sward height and control sub-shrubs.

7   Management Options


  • A3: Active management to maintain Fen Meadow
  • E4: Open access. Request walkers stay on paths.
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