Orme Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland


  • Grade I SSSI, Candidate SAC). Natura 2000 NVC code = W21c.

Size: * 3.5 ha.


An understorey grass sub-community found in deeper soils on dry warm slopes and associated with hawthorn scrub (NVC = W21) also comprising blackthorn and bramble.

The understorey of the Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland frequently includes Fragaria vesca and Hedera helix.

Current condition and status of feature

Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland:

  • Total Area: 3.5 ha.
  • Frequency of constant and frequent species: within LACs.
  • Species indicative of change: within LACs

Current Status:

  • Favourable Maintained, as of December 2001. This assertion is based upon the 2000/2001 survey.

Attributes selected as performance indicators

The Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland will be considered to be in favourable condition provided the following attributes are within LACs:


All Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland (W21c)

  • Although these plant communities are influenced by climate and soil conditions, they are also also influenced by associated woodland scrub and maintained by grazing. These are not static factors, thus limits are set.


  • Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland (W21c):
  • Quality will be confirmed by presence of a range of typical species within the sub-community.
  • A set of associated plants as indicators of change.

Attributes and Operational Limits

Objective statement

To maintain the Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland in favourable condition, WHERE:


All Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland (W21c):

  • Total area remains at the target level.
  • Target level: 3.5 ha. of 323 ha
  • Upper limit: None set.
  • Lower limit: target level.
  • Monitor/surveillance:
    • Extent of Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland


Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland (W21c)

  • Upper and lower limits: As stated in NVC floristic tables
  • Monitor frequency of Brachypodium sylvaticum.

A set of associated plants as indicators of change: All Limits,

  • Monitor frequency of:
    • Primula vulgaris, Mercurialis perennis, Festuca gigantia, Circaea x intermedia, Sanicula europaea, Geum urbanum, Fragaria vesca.

Management Rationale and Projects

1 to 9. Grazing and Threats

Grazing and threats found in Calcicolous Grassland Management Rationale and Projects, refer equally to Fen Meadow, with the following exceptions:

2. Grazing intensity and Succession to scrub

If grazing is lax, primary succession to woodland scrub will occur. The sward height will be monitored, and if necessary cut to maintain the grassland.

Operational limits:

  • Target 1. Maintain limits to grass height
  • Upper limit: 90 cm.
  • Lower limit: 10 cm
  • Monitor: Height of grass.

Management Options


  • A2: Limited intervention to maintain Brachypodium sylvaticum grassland, (according to grazing pressure).
  • E4: Open access. Request walkers stay on paths.
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