November 2, 2001
Table of Contents
Genetic uniformity In Cheetah Cheetahs Low genetic variability (LGV) Individual Differences As Artefact of Captivity Behavioural Aspects of Fertility Conclusion REF: Michele Merola, 1994 A Reassessment of Homozygosity and the Case for Inbreeding Depression in the Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus: Implications for Conservation Conservation Biology, Volume 8, Number 4 pp961-971
This story urges caution. Wild population estimated 20,000, possibly as few as 10,000. What began as a case of genetic vulnerability became a story involving husbandry, predation and habitat modification.
November 2, 2001
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Species Conservation Reintoduction Species Conservation One of the main players, legally and conceptually in conservation is the species.
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). US. Endangered Species Act (ESA). Conservation effort from fund-raising to to recovery programmes and reserve design, dewell on species. The typological viewpoint follows Plato's view of species as representations of eternal types (eidos), or, species as immutable creations of God.
November 2, 2001
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1 Consider... 2 Messages from Zoos 3 Research in zoos 4 Species in Zoos 5 Education and Zoos 6 Captive-breeding 7 Questions 8 Conclusion 9 References 1 Consider... Role in linking in situ and ex situ conservation. Challenge posed by expanding human and declining wildlife population and eco systems. Conservation of wildlife requires mutually reinforcing links between in situ and ex situ conservation recognised by the convention on biological diversity e.g. for critically small population fragments.
November 2, 2001
Table of Contents
Pressures on Oryx populations Oman The Arabian Oryx sanctuary Conservation strategy, Saudi Arabia Solutions References Conservation Aim: To re-establish self-sustaining free-ranging populations Arabian Oryx (Oryx leucoryx).
Pressures on Oryx populations persecuted for trophies and for meat bearing automatic weapons and travelling in motorised fleets. Held captive in private collections throughout the Middle East, led to the formation of a world herd. Bedouin see hunting their right.